Wednesday, August 10, 2016

These are the writing indicators that we are using to level you child's writing in the Kiwi team.

Writing Indicators

Level 1

1Beginning     (5.0 yrs – 5.7 yrs)
·      simple sentences
·      some punctuation
·      no editing

1Developing     (5.8 yrs – 6.3 yrs)        
·      simple sentences
·      varied sentence beginnings
·      some punctuation (full stops, capitals, question marks)
·      some adjectives

1Consolidated     (6.4 yrs – 6.11 yrs)
·      beginning to use paragraphs
·      mostly correct punctuation
·      adjectives and verbs
·      some editing
·      more detailed ideas

Level 2

2Beginning      (7.0 yrs – 7.7 yrs)

·      1-3 gems

·      correct punctuation (full stops, capitals, question mark, apostrophes, commas, speech marks)
·      consistent tense
·      varied sentence beginnings
·      carefully selected complex, compound and simple sentences
·      development of a wide vocabulary
·      rich language
·      carefully selected verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns
·      carefully selected similes, metaphors, personification and idioms
·      editing of ideas – add, change, delete
·      dictionary skills when proofreading
·      grouping of ideas into paragraphs

2Developing     (7.8 yrs – 8.3 yrs)

·      4-6 gems

·      correct punctuation (full stops, capitals, question mark, apostrophes, commas, speech marks)
·      consistent tense
·      varied sentence beginnings
·      carefully selected complex, compound and simple sentences
·      development of a wide vocabulary
·      rich language
·      carefully selected verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns
·      carefully selected similes, metaphors, personification and idioms
·      editing of ideas – add, change, delete
·      dictionary skills when proofreading
·      grouping of ideas into paragraphs

2Consolidated    (8.4 yrs – 8.11 yrs)

·      7 or more gems

·      correct punctuation (full stops, capitals, question mark, apostrophes, commas, speech marks)
·      consistent tense
·      varied sentence beginnings
·      carefully selected complex, compound and simple sentences
·      development of a wide vocabulary
·      rich language
·      carefully selected verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns
·      carefully selected similes, metaphors, personification and idioms
·      editing of ideas – add, change, delete
·      dictionary skills when proofreading
·      grouping of ideas into paragraphs

Level 3

3Beginning, 3Developing, 3Consolidated - ALL of Level 2 skills, PLUS:

3B     (9.0 yrs – 9.7 yrs)
·      ‘overwriting’ – overusing or description, similes or other language features
·      understanding of deeper features
·      extensive vocabulary

3D     (9.8 yrs – 10.3 yrs)
·      still some overwriting but building discernment – choice of words becoming more specific
·      understanding that sometimes the most effective images, moods and information are created by using the least but more succinct words

3C    (10.4 yrs – 10.11 yrs)
·      showing more discernment
·      sentence structure and variety of sentences to keep the reader interested eg. short staccato for action and tension, long for setting and character development
·      knowledge of ‘show don’t tell’